Monday, December 21, 2009

Woman. A God's Creation

When God created the woman, He worked overtime.

An angel appeared to Him and said: 'Why are you taking so long with this?'

And the Lord answered: 'Have you seen my list of specifications for her?'

'She should be quite washable, but not at all like plastic. She should have more than 200 moving parts and be capable of running on a diet of anything, even leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at the same time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart, and will do all of this with only two hands.'

The angel got astounded with those specifications.

'Only two hands....Impossible! And this is only the standard model? Too much work for one day...Wait until tomorrow to complete her.'

'No, I'm too close to finishing her and she's already my favorite. She heals herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day.' The angel moved closer and touched the woman.

'But Lord, you made her so soft...'

'She is soft but I also made her strong. You have no idea what she can endure and accomplish.'

'Will she be able to think?' asked the angel.

God answered:

'Not only will she be able to think but also to reason and negotiate'

The angel then noticed something and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek....

'Lord, it seems that this model has a leak... could You be adding a lot to her?'

'That's not a leak... it's a tear'

'What is the tear for?' asked the angel.

'The tear is a way of expressing her fate, her sorrow, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief, and her pride.'

This impressed the angel 'You are a genius, you thought of everything. The woman is truly wonderful!"

'Yes, she is! A woman has the strength that amazes men. She bears difficulties, carries large loads, but has happiness, love and joy. She smiles when she wants to scream. Sings when she wants to cry. Cries when she's happy and laugh when she's nervous. Fights for what she believes. Faces injustice. Doesn't take no for an answer when she believes there's a better solution. Deprives so that her family may have. Goes to the doctor with a friend that is afraid to go. Loves unconditionally. Cries when her children triumph and cheers when her friends get awards. She's happy when she hears about a birth or a wedding. Her heart breaks when a friend dies. Suffers a loss of a loved one, but is strong even when she thinks there is no more strength. She knows that a kiss and a hug can help heal a broken heart. However, there is a defect in the woman:

She forgets how much she is worth.'

Unknown Author

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I have seen so many times people who have been rise to a higher position title and later they think they are higher than anyone. I recently had a problem where I was the leader of a youth group. They had sent someone from a higher title than I was to help in my group. This person was making decisions without consulting me or the elite group. Once she started to make decisions on her own the group was going down because the youth that were in the group did not know if to listen to me or her. So we try to talk and tell the youth what we were going to do than she stopped us and said no and told us off in front of the youth. After the meeting was over the elite talk to her, by the way she was talking and the excuses she was putting it seem as if she didn’t want us to tell her what to do. Many times we have to speak up although that person might get mad but you did your part with God and that’s what we need to worry about.

 We sometimes forget that it's not that person who is talking to us but the Lord through that person. We need to be humble at all times. We have to respect the anointing that person has because God put's us in a certain place so we can be use and we don’t have to question why God put that person there. “Everyone has to submit himself to the authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted…”(Romans 13:5). So God tells us to submit to the authorities and of course there is always going to be consequences to what we do.

In Faith, Arely Contreras

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Life Without God

It's very shocking how a 6 year old can have hate or want to kill herself. Well basically I was that girl who wanted to disappear who wanted to kill herself, who hated her parents. And I know it's very shocking that a 6 year old girl so young can think of that. This is my story:

when I was 6 years old I would get mad easily, I maybe didn't show it at all but there was this anger this hate inside of me just building up. I would hear voices that said to hit the teacher and others said to run around like crazy. It was chaos. Every time I would get in trouble at school or someone would scream at me I would get so mad and start hurting myself. My parents would drink and would always be fighting. Every night I would cry myself to sleep. I didn't know what to do I thought that maybe this was normal since many people I knew had family problems. My sister and I would always argue and one day we started to fight and my mom came in and separated us. My sister started to run away and my mother would try to find her and I felt lonelier since she didn’t pay attention to me.

When I got to middle school I started to hang out with the wrong crowd. I started to do what they did talk the way they talk and dress the way they dress. Soon things got worst I got into a "crew" and started to fight with girls, and ditch. I started to ditch school and drink alcohol, wine, beer whatever you'd put in my hands I would do. Then, teens started to do airfreshner which later became very "popular" in middle school. So, one day I decided to try it. That very moment I became addicted to it. Friends and I would always buy some and would be doing it before we went to school, nutrition, lunch, during class, afterschool, and home. It was everyday that I would be doing airfreshner. I thought that would fill the gap that I felt inside but it didn't. I started to cut my self but somehow it wouldn't work. One day when I came home from school I was home alone. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab a knife. "This is it" I said to myself. I was ready to stab myself right in my stomach until I heard a voice say "don't do it" and another one that said "why suffer just kill yourself, and everything all the pain will be over" I didn't know what to do. I placed the knife back where it was.

My mother started attending the Universal Church. She would always be inviting me but I didn't want to go. Every time she invited me I put excuses not to go. Finally, I decided to go but just to please her. I though it was very boring and sometimes I would get this frustration just being there. Every time I would enter the church the youth power group would always try to invite me but I would always hide or try to avoid them but it never work. I decide to try it one day, I saw the teens jumping screaming and smiling. I ask my self what is it that they have that makes them happy? Then my mom got out of the church but I kept going then one day I just stop going. I was in high school maybe a freshman already. My mom and I were in the car one day coming home and we crashed. I woke up still in the accident and my mother was calling me but I hardly heard her. Days passed and the youth group was calling and calling asking if I was going to church and I would say yes but I never went.

I couldn't take the pain the emptiness inside of me so I decided to go to church one day. I started to participate in church and youth group as well. I started to listen to the voice of God. I started to put the word of god into practice. There I saw the big change in my life I felt happy something that I had never experience I was full of joy. Today I feel like living I love my parents I don't want to kill myself anymore Thanks to God.

In Faith, Arely

Friday, November 6, 2009

How Do You Know You Are A Failure?

I am there staring at the challenge I have set for myself. I start looking at the circumstances and say to my self "I can't do it, it's impossible" or "I'll do it later" and so many other excuses. I than rebuke myself for thinking that way. I don't accept being a failure yet I think like one and that's one of the things that I work hard not to become a failure. I don't accept being a failure because I know that I will not go very far.

How do you know you are a failure?

1. You give excuses
2. You look at the circumstances
3. You are negative
4. You blame others
5. You have fear
6. You have doubts

When people set goals for themselves to open a business or learning to speak a different language what ever it is many people give up in the middle of the process. Some even wait for there luck to come around. Well the luck will never ever come because while you are waiting for your luck to come around people are working hard and sacrificing so they can get to there goals. If you talk to someone successful they are not going to say it was luck. Most people have to give up things in order for them to achieve there goals. But they never accept what they have. One of things of being a failure is having a little vision or no vision at all. In order to be successful you need to have a big vision. And while others think its crazy because what you are doing it will get you somewhere.

Something that a person lacks is being bold. Many people are afraid of "going for it.” They think "What are they going to say" or "What are they going to think about it/me". Than they start asking for opinions which is one of the things that a person shall not do. You should always think about different methods if one does not work you try another method until you find a method that works.

In Faith, Arely

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Mature Woman

The mature woman, as the name suggests, is like a ripe fruit, full life and flavor... fruit desired by those who appreciate the true taste, the best of life.

She faced prejudices in a time when others determined that women were to perform minor roles. Her maturity came with time and shaped her form and mentality. These changes came through much struggle, mostly internal, where a series of concepts and complexes bred inside her head from an early age.Today's youth have no idea of the struggles of these charming mature women. Thanks to her aging, her spirit is balanced and full of harmony, like no other stage of her life. She has lived a lot, gone through much diversities, and faced many problems and pitfalls. But she wants her space and right to life. She wants to live her life to its fullest, and she has that right which was acquired with praise.

She doesn't expect promises at this stage of life, promises are not suitable anymore. She's all about decisions - it's time for decisions and achievements. It's either do or don’t, good or bad. She no longer accepts complications, time is an essence now. The past, present, and future merge to form a single time in her life: the present time. She cannot and does not want to cling to past events, nor does she worry too much about the future. She wants to live the moment, and that is why she chooses what she wants for today. She's selective with her friends. She knows what she wants and goes for it.

Whoever insists in ignoring her way of looking at life, or are just unable to recognize the fruit at its right time, will lose an opportunity and will be excluded by her. The fruit is ripe, but, to harvest it, it is necessary to know the appropriate time, without precipitation. It needs to be done with great tact, care, and affection.

No time to be reckless, nor too slow. You have to be decided and use the right time. You'll be required a certain knowledge of the female soul. Know that, as fragile as she appears to be, she is very sure of herself. She knows the right time to act, and does it with charm and elegance. Delicate and incisively, she does not disappoint.

She is not ashamed of her age; on the contrary, she is proud of the years lived and of being a mature fruit. However, she regrets that some people will be content to collect unripe grapes, mainly because they don’t know how to give its due proper value.

She knows that the best way to hold her partner is making him think that she sets him free. She does not impose her company but makes it necessary. She's creative. Her partner looks at her potential and stays by her side because he wants to, not because he has to. She's a total woman, she's valued, and she knows just how to be a companion. She does not want to get ahead, but neither admits falling behind. She has a bag of life and knows exactly how to use it, extracting all life lessons and deleting all life's trash. She knows how to live.This is the portrait of the mature woman. You're fortunate if you recognize her and give her the proper value. When she's in love, she's her best. She's art and determination itself.

(Unknown author)

In Faith, Arely

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is It Love?

When we start getting desperate to find the person that we want to live with for the rest of our lives. We start taking decisions that will not glorify GOD and most of all will hurt you sooner or later. You think that you need someone by your side and that it will be better if you had some one next to you, and you start thinking about all these things. We start thinking about our love life and we make it something important but we soon forget about GOD. Then, when we actually do find someone we think that GOD put that person for us or you just simply think that you were meant to be but in reality you were not meant to be with that person.

And we ask ourselves why our relationships don't work and we blame it on GOD because everything is going wrong. You start having arguements, fights etc. Who else but GOD knows whats good for us or not. So we have to be patient and wait for GOD. "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway" (Proverbs 8:34). Sometimes it is hard to wait for GOD because doubt starts to come to us and says what's the whole point on waiting etc. and all these thoughts build up and we start going with what our flesh wants not what GOD wants, But surley GOD will bless. Just as he says " How bless is the man who waits 1,335 days" (Daniel 12:12).

In Faith

Friday, September 25, 2009

Prime Minister

Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them.

 3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made a richly ornamented  robe for him. 4 When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.
 5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. 6 He said to them, "Listen to this dream I had: 7 We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it."
 8 His brothers said to him, "Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?" And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.
 9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. "Listen," he said, "I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me."
 10 When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, "What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?" 11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.(Genesis 37:2-11).

Later Joseph gets sold to Potiphar. Potiphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph but Joseph runs away from her. And then was sent to prison. Joseph had all the reasons to blame God and to desist from the dreams that God had given him. Many people they have dreams but either don't do anything about it because it's too hard or they don't want to fight for it. Many people look at the circumstances and then they stop fighting for their dreams. But what if instead of looking at the problems and circumstances we look at the victory. What will happen then would you  think we would be able to go towards our dreams? We intend to lose a blessing simply because we don't want to fight for our goals. People who go towards their goals are successful because they are willing to sacrifice and give up anything for it. Joseph after going through all these injustice he still went after his goal and he became prime minister of Egypt.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Decision, Decisions Why!!!

Many people hate making Decisions.

1. One decision can change your entire life story

2. People might hate you

3. People may be happy for you

4. People may be dissapointed

And there are many other more reason why a person might hate making decisions. We have to understand that making decisions is for our benefit and not others. Sometimes we make a decision just to please our friend, mother or father. Everything that we do and sacrafice is for us and no one else. Althought, sometimes it can be pretty tough when making a decision believe me i have been there. We have to understand that making a decision is very powerful, life is about taking decisions and having faith. Its our decision if we want to make our marriage work or not. Its all about the decision we make. So what decision are you going to make. If you have any stories you want to share with people about making a decsision you are welcome to share juts write me a message and i will upload it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Make It Happen

So many people have dreams but few make it. When we are small we dream of becoming a Lawyer, Actress, Model, Doctor etc. This event will teach young people as well as seniors how to make their dreams come true. Their will be a play base on our dreams how many people don't accomplish them because familty problems, bad friends or any kind of excuse. this play will help a lot of people think about their dreams and that it is not too late to make your dreams come true.

We will be there at 12:30am-2:30pm at 703 south Broadway corner from 7th and broadway. If you have any questions regarding this event you are welcome to call 1(800)581-4141 or come and visit us.

Girls Now-A-Days!

As time passes girls are loosing more and more of their discretion. Back then so many young girls and woman were very obedient to their husbands or to any one. Now lets think about today. I see many girls who wear short skirts open shirts and so on and so forth. They try to get all this attention from guys and its just ridiculus. Many girls now a days have no respect for them selves or anyone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pointing Fingers!

Many times when we first start going to church there are always going to be people who will lie about you who will say things that you did not do. But why does that happen if we are doing something good for God? Well the answer is more than clear, because the devil does not want you to serve God. Because the devil wants you to worship him more than God. The devil wants to be exalted so he tries to mix the word of God or makes thing that are bad look good so in that way he could be exalted.

Job’s Test: Read Job 1:6-22

Job was a good servant of God. He had everything he need and he did not have sickness or lived in poverty. One day the devil came to God and told him that if he take everything materialize that Job had, he would surley curse him "But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surley curse you to your face" (Job 1:11). As we can see later in Job 1: 22 he did not curse him and he stayed firm and got everything he had doubled.

Us Today:

Well many people tell them-selves well if I serve God nobody will say anything or hurt me because i follow God right? WRONG!!! More things are going to come your way and more than before because the devil will rise against us. Many times the devil uses our family to attack. They expect us to be perfect because we go to church and expect us to be perfect which is impossible. And for everything that we do they say "And you go to church?" Well like I always say “We are not going to change from one day to another" But every moment that we live we should be a living sacrifice in front of peoples eyes and especially Gods eyes. The devil is always going to try to get a moment that you do something wrong so he could start pointing fingers. So let’s not give reason for people to point fingers. So we can exalt God and honor him.

In Faith,
Arely Contreras

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting a Physical Check-up

Many times we think and believe that God is the one who parts from us but in reality it’s us who parts from him. We stop fasting and praying, and we don’t feel the same anymore for the work of God. We always have to be with our eyes wide open to see what’s harming our spiritual life. It is like getting a physical check-up only spiritually.

For Example;

There are two girls who have a disease that they do not know of yet. They both go to the clinic to get a physical. The doctor tells them “you have a disease, we could cure it but you have to put your part” both of the girls were determine and were going to do everything there was in their part to defeat the disease. Only that one of the girls little by little stop doing what the doctor was asking so the disease started to take over her whole body and life in many aspects. She wasn’t able to run and do things she used to do. On the other hand the other girl was able to defeat the disease and she was victorious and successful. Just like the bible says “But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!” 2 Chronicles 15:7


We always have to check on our spiritual life like as if we are getting a physical check-up. If there is any doubt, insecurity or people who will hurt you and take you to the wrong path you should cut it “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:11-12). We always have to see with our spiritual eyes and not phisical.