Monday, December 21, 2009

Woman. A God's Creation

When God created the woman, He worked overtime.

An angel appeared to Him and said: 'Why are you taking so long with this?'

And the Lord answered: 'Have you seen my list of specifications for her?'

'She should be quite washable, but not at all like plastic. She should have more than 200 moving parts and be capable of running on a diet of anything, even leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at the same time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart, and will do all of this with only two hands.'

The angel got astounded with those specifications.

'Only two hands....Impossible! And this is only the standard model? Too much work for one day...Wait until tomorrow to complete her.'

'No, I'm too close to finishing her and she's already my favorite. She heals herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day.' The angel moved closer and touched the woman.

'But Lord, you made her so soft...'

'She is soft but I also made her strong. You have no idea what she can endure and accomplish.'

'Will she be able to think?' asked the angel.

God answered:

'Not only will she be able to think but also to reason and negotiate'

The angel then noticed something and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek....

'Lord, it seems that this model has a leak... could You be adding a lot to her?'

'That's not a leak... it's a tear'

'What is the tear for?' asked the angel.

'The tear is a way of expressing her fate, her sorrow, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief, and her pride.'

This impressed the angel 'You are a genius, you thought of everything. The woman is truly wonderful!"

'Yes, she is! A woman has the strength that amazes men. She bears difficulties, carries large loads, but has happiness, love and joy. She smiles when she wants to scream. Sings when she wants to cry. Cries when she's happy and laugh when she's nervous. Fights for what she believes. Faces injustice. Doesn't take no for an answer when she believes there's a better solution. Deprives so that her family may have. Goes to the doctor with a friend that is afraid to go. Loves unconditionally. Cries when her children triumph and cheers when her friends get awards. She's happy when she hears about a birth or a wedding. Her heart breaks when a friend dies. Suffers a loss of a loved one, but is strong even when she thinks there is no more strength. She knows that a kiss and a hug can help heal a broken heart. However, there is a defect in the woman:

She forgets how much she is worth.'

Unknown Author

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I have seen so many times people who have been rise to a higher position title and later they think they are higher than anyone. I recently had a problem where I was the leader of a youth group. They had sent someone from a higher title than I was to help in my group. This person was making decisions without consulting me or the elite group. Once she started to make decisions on her own the group was going down because the youth that were in the group did not know if to listen to me or her. So we try to talk and tell the youth what we were going to do than she stopped us and said no and told us off in front of the youth. After the meeting was over the elite talk to her, by the way she was talking and the excuses she was putting it seem as if she didn’t want us to tell her what to do. Many times we have to speak up although that person might get mad but you did your part with God and that’s what we need to worry about.

 We sometimes forget that it's not that person who is talking to us but the Lord through that person. We need to be humble at all times. We have to respect the anointing that person has because God put's us in a certain place so we can be use and we don’t have to question why God put that person there. “Everyone has to submit himself to the authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted…”(Romans 13:5). So God tells us to submit to the authorities and of course there is always going to be consequences to what we do.

In Faith, Arely Contreras